Look Before You Leap ~ Short Stories
A lion named Madotkat lived in some forest. A tiger, a jackal, a wolf, a crow and an owl were his attendants. They also depended on the lion for their food and other necessities. One day a camel lost his way and strayed into that forest. As soon as the jackal saw him he rushed to the lion and informed him about the intruder. The jackal said, "The newcomer does not seem to belong to any wild species." The lion called the owl and ordered him to investigate. After some time the owl returned and told the lion, "My lord, He is a camel. He is a domesticated animal and you have every right to kill him and make a feast of him."
The lion thought for a moment and said, "No, I cannot do it. He is our guest. Do you not know that it is a sin to kill even an enemy who takes refuge in you? Bring him here and tell him that he would be under our protection. I will enquire from him the reason of his coming into the forest."
The crow brought him before the lion assuring him that no harm would come to him. The camel told the lion, "My lord, my name is Kathnak. I got separated from my herd and have strayed into this forest." The lion replied, "It is alright. Now you need not go back to the village and cartloads. You can live here fearlessly. There is ample food for you in this forest."
From that day Kathnak became part of the lion's entourage. Being a herbivore, he did not face any shortage of food and soon gained weight. It so happened that a rogue elephant came into that forest. He started terrorising the inhabitants of the forest. The lion had to fight him to protect his subjects. They fought fiercely. The lion was able to kill him in the end. But the elephant grievously injured him with his sharp tusks. The lion became incapable of hunting, with the result that his attendants faced starvation.
Seeing their plight, the lion called them and told them to bring some wild animal whom he could kill easily so that all of them had some food. The attendants searched throughout the forest but could not find any prey. They started consultations amongst themselves. The jackal suggested, "Friends, there is no sense in wandering in search of food. Why not kill Kathnak? His body can provide food for days." The crow reminded him that the lion had promised him protection and would never agree to kill him to satisfy his hunger.
The jackal said, "Do not worry. I have a plan and our master will not object to kill him." Then he took them all into confidence and told them his plan. The jackal approached the lion and said, "Sir, we have searched throughout the forest but could not find any prey. I suggest that you kill Kathnak." The lion was beside himself with rage and roared, "You wicked jackal. You are asking me to commit such a sin. Can I kill one who is my guest and to whom I have promised protection? How could you suggest something so atrocious? Get out of my sight or I will kill you."
The jackal said, "My master, listen to me for a while. I agree it would be a sin to kill him, but, suppose, he himself offers to be killed due to his sense of loyalty for what you have done for him. There would be no harm in killing him." The lion was also feeling the pangs of hunger and hence agreed to kill the camel if he offered himself voluntarily.
They got together and went to the lion resting under a tree. First the crow approached him, "My master, we have been unable to find any food. I offer myself. Please kill me and satisfy your hunger. As it is, the servant who lays down his life for the master earns merit." The owl also came forward to do the same. The jackal came forward and said, "Both of you have very little flesh on your body. Our master will still be hungry. I offer my body to our master." Hearing this, the tiger came forward and said, "You also do not have much flesh on your body. After all you eat food that is rotten. It is written in religious books that one should not eat improper food even in the face of death due to starvation. You are animals with claws and as such are not proper food for the master. Please move aside and let me offer my body to our lord."
As the tiger came forward, the lion said, "You belong to the same species of the cat family. Can I kill someone of my own family. That would not be proper." Kathnak saw and heard all this. He thought to himself, "The lion has refused to kill all these people. He has got special affection for me. He would never kill me. If I do not offer myself, I would be considered disloyal and ungrateful. He stepped forward and said, "My protector, as all these people are meat eaters, they are not proper food for you. As it is, I am your natural food. I offer my body. Please kill me and satisfy your hunger. I shall consider myself fortunate for having sacrificed my life for my master."
As soon as the lion heard these words, he gestured to the others. The tiger, jackal and the wolf pounced on him and tore him to pieces. The foolish camel paid with his life for associating with and trusting the wicked and the cunning. Above all he emulated their example, failed to see through their treachery and so came to grief.