The Ants and The Grasshopper ~ Short Stories

Moral of the story

Make hay while the sun shines. There is no time as the present to prepare for your future!

As the autumn season was ending soon, a family of ants was busy collecting food, sticks, and dry leaves.

One day, a grasshopper walked and asked the ants: “What are you doing on such a beautiful day as this!”

“We are getting ready for the cold. You should store some food too!” said an ant.

The grasshopper laughed and walked away. He hopped about chasing after the sun and butterflies.

Days went by as the ants continued to forage about while the grasshopper spent days idling!

One morning, the grasshopper woke up to a cold morning and the land was covered in snow.

The insect hopped looking for food and couldn’t find anything. The ants were right!