Sparrows, Mice, And A Hunter ~ Short Stories

Moral of the story

Never lose hope when you face hardship. Unity is strength!

One day, a flutter of sparrows were flying in search of food when they came across the patch filled with grains.

Soon, they flew down to peck and eat their fill.

Just as they landed, they realised it was a trap. Their legs were caught in the net laid by a hunter.

As they struggled to free themselves, they saw the hunter walking towards them slowly.

The leader of the sparrows said: “Wait, don’t struggle! Just listen to me. Let’s fly together and I will take us to my friend, the mouse.”

As the hunter screamed, the sparrows flew to the sky together.

They flew towards the forest where lived a small mouse.

“Fly to that tree and we will call out for my friend,” the leader said.

“Little mouse, little mouse, please help us!” they called out as they flew to the tree.

The little mouse immediately set to chew through the net and freed one bird at a time.

“Thank you, dear friend! You saved us,” said the leader.

“And also to you, you saved us from being caught!” said the other sparrows.